DC/Warner kündigen virtuelle 24-Stunden-Convention für August 2020 an

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DC/Warner kündigen virtuelle 24-Stunden-Convention für August 2020 an
© DC / Warner Bros.

Wie es scheint, rollen eine Menge Ankündigungen aus dem Hause DC Comics & Warner Bros. auf uns, diese wollen uns nämlich im kommenden August mit einer frei zugänglichen virtuellen Online-Convention versorgen: „DC: Fandome“.

Präsentiert werden sollen dabei neue Inhalte aus den Weltern DC Comics, dem DC Extended Universe, Arrowverse, DC Universe sowie auch WB Games. Starten soll das Event am 22. August um 10.00 Uhr PDT, also ca. 19.00 Uhr unserer Zeit.

Die Convention soll dabei in unterschiedliche Zonen aufgeteilt werden, wobei das „House of Heroes“ im Zentrum stehen soll.

© DC / Warner Bros.

Beschrieben werden die einzelnen Gebiete wie folgt:

  • DC WatchVerse: Here’s where you grab a seat, sit back and join our virtual audienceand become completely engrossed in hours of must-see content from around the world.Everything from panels and exclusive screenings to never-before-seen footage, featuringcast, creators and behind-the-scenes crew from across DC Films, TV, HomeEntertainment and Games.
  • DC YouVerse: Venture into this world where the FANS are the stars to see the mostamazing user-generated content, cosplay and fan art from around the world, including,perhaps, your own.
  • DC KidsVerse: Need a way to entertain your kids for hours on end? We’ve got youcovered inside a special world, which can be accessed directly at DCKidsFanDome.com.This area features a broad range of family-friendly activations for our younger fans.
  • DC InsiderVerse: This creativity-based world contains a centerpiece video featuringlegendary artist and DC CCO/Publisher Jim Lee, President of DC-Based Film Production Walter Hamada, and creator of the DC TV Arrowverse, Executive Producer GregBerlanti, welcoming fans with a 101-style introduction to the DC Multiverse. From there,go behind the scenes with the master artisans who bring DC to life in all its forms, fromcomic books to games, TV, movies, theme parks, consumer products and more.
  • DC FunVerse: Take your DC FanDome experience and gather cool shareables; checkout our comic book reader; DIY cool WW84 Golden Armor and Batmobile kits; plusdigital giveaways and a store filled with merchandise, including some limited-editionexclusives.

Der offizielle Zugang zum Event lautet aktuell DCFanDome.com.

© DC / Warner Bros.

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