Millers DARK KNIGHT RETURNS: THE GOLDEN CHILD: DC zeigt das Cover-Line-up

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Millers DARK KNIGHT RETURNS: THE GOLDEN CHILD: DC zeigt das Cover-Line-up
© DC Comics

Im kommenden Monat erscheint für den US-Markt Frank Millers „Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child“ One-Shot, welches der viel diskutierte Autor zusammen mit Zeichner Rafael Grampá umsetzt, um das „Dark Knight Returns“ Universum abermals zu erweitern.

DC Comics hat nun das Cover-Line-up zu dem 48-seitigen Special präsentiert, welches ihr gleich nach dem folgenden Soli-Text begutachten dürft. Die Cover werden neben dem von Grampà von Künstler*innen wie Andy Kubert, Joelle Jones, Miller selbst und auch Paul Pope bereitgestellt.

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written by FRANK MILLER
art and cover by RAFAEL GRAMPA
Frank Miller returns to the Dark Knight Universe!

It’s been three years since the events of Dark Knight III: The Master Race. Lara has spent the time learning to be more human, and Carrie Kelley has been growing into her new role as Batwoman. But a terrifying evil has returned to Gotham City, and Lara and Carrie must team up to stop this growing threat—and they have a secret weapon. Young Jonathan Kent, “the golden child,” has a power inside of him unlike anything the world has ever seen, and it’s about to be unleashed...

Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child is Frank Miller’s triumphant return to the world of the Dark Knight and joining him is the superstar artist Rafael Grampá, the mastermind behind the groundbreaking Mesmo Delivery. Following work in advertising and film, this incredible collaboration marks Grampá’s first comics work in six years, bringing his extraordinary detail and storytelling to the Dark Knight saga, resulting in a Dark Knight story like nothing you’ve ever seen before.

ON SALE 12.11.19
$5.99 US | 48 PAGES

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