Frank Miller unterschreibt 5 Projekte umfassenden Deal mit DC Comics - inkl. Dark Knight Returns Spin-off Graphic Novel
DC Comics hat einen mehr oder weniger fulminanten aber auch sicherlich diskutablen Coup geschossen: so heuerten sie Comic-Veteran Frank Miller für einen 5 Projekte umfassenden Deal an. Eines der Projekte wird, wie nun durchsickerte, eine Young Adult Graphic Novel mit dem „The Dark Knight Returns“ Charakter Carrie Kelley in der Hauptrolle sein.
Auch Millers Zusammenarbeit mit John Romita Jr. an der „Black Label“ Story „Superman: Year One“, zu welcher gerade das erste Preview-Material gezeigt wurde, soll Teil des Deals sein.
Hier das von DC Comics veröffentlichte Press-Release zum Deal:
BURBANK, CA (March 23, 2018) – Industry icon Frank Miller continues his long-standing relationship with DC as a five-project deal is announced today by DC Publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee.
Amongst the planned releases from the legendary writer/artist is a forthcoming graphic novel starring Carrie Kelley, whom Miller created for the genre-defining series BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS. Marking Miller’s first-ever foray into storytelling for young readers, the new graphic novel will feature illustrations by artist Ben Caldwell (PREZ).
This new project will join the previously announced DC Black Label prestige series SUPERMAN: YEAR ONE, featuring art by John Romita Jr., as part of Miller’s multi-project deal.
“Frank is a creative force in this industry, not just with a transformative take on iconic characters like Superman and Batman, but also by tackling the young reader genre,” says DC Publisher Dan DiDio. “He is an icon. As a publisher, I’m thrilled–as a fan, I’m even more excited.”
“Frank Miller is an absolute visionary,” says DC Publisher Jim Lee. “He continues to push the boundaries of storytelling, and I can’t wait for a new generation of fans to meet Carrie Kelley. Joining Frank as collaborator on Carrie Kelley is one of my favorite artists–Ben Caldwell, a singular talent who brings his stylized, clean line and rock solid, playful storytelling to this project. We couldn’t ask for a better creative team.”
In addition to the above two books, Miller will pen three additional upcoming projects yet to be announced.
“I am psyched to continue my partnership with DC,” explains Miller. “Developing the Carrie Kelley project and SUPERMAN: YEAR ONE with Dan and Jim has been a dream. It’s thrilling to have Carrie Kelley take center stage for the first time, and the energy that Ben is bringing to her is new and different–it’s incredible to see. It’s also a lot of fun working alongside John on SUPERMAN: YEAR ONE, this project is a childhood dream come true for me.”
(Picture Copyright: DC Comics)

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