Tom King teast 2 Seiten aus „Mr. Miracle“ #01
Batman-Autor Tom King feuert über seinen privaten Twitter Account mittlerweile immer mal wieder Teaser zu seinen kommenden Arbeiten raus. So auch zur bald startenden limited Series „Mr. Miracle“.
Hier das Material:
„The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.“ --Marcus Aurelius.
— Tom King (@TomKingTK) 27. Juni 2017
Die Serie wird von King geschrieben und von Mitch Gerards gezeichnet und soll die Rückkehr der New Gods featuren.
Hier der Soli-Text zum Start:
Written by TOM KING • Art by MITCH GERADS • Cover by NICK DERINGTON • Variant cover by MITCH GERADS
Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
From the team behind THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON and the Hugo Award-nominated writer of Vision comes a unique new take on one of Jack Kirby’s most beloved New Gods.
Scott Free is the greatest escape artist that ever lived. So great that he escaped Granny Goodness’ gruesome orphanage and the dangers of Apokolips to travel across galaxies and set up a new life on Earth with his wife, the former female fury known as Big Barda. Using the stage alter ego of Mister Miracle, he has made a career for himself showing off his acrobatic escape techniques. He even caught the attention of the Justice League, which counted him among its ranks.
You might say Scott Free has everything…so why isn’t it enough? Mister Miracle has mastered every illusion, achieved every stunt, pulled off every trick—except one. He has never escaped death. Is it even possible? Our hero is going to have to kill himself if he wants to find out.
Written by Tom King (BATMAN) and illustrated by Mitch Gerads (The Punisher), this is a MISTER MIRACLE unlike any you’ve read before.
On sale AUGUST 9 • 32 pg, 1 of 12, FC, $3.99 US • MATURE READERS
Als deutlich interessanterer Punkt verbreiten sich im Netz gerade erste Reaktionen diverser Händler, die besagte erste Ausgabe bereits probelesen durften. Und die Begeisterung scheint ähnlich hoch auszufallen, wie bei Tom Kings großartigen limited Series „Vision“.
Hier ein paar Reaktionen:
I just got to read Mister Miracle #1.
This is the book of the year.
— Ryan Higgins (@RyanHigginsRyan) 26. Juni 2017
We just read an advance preview of Mister Miracle #1 and it is everything we hoped for. It is excellent! @TomKingTK + @MitchGerads forever!!
— Challengers Comics (@Challengers) 27. Juni 2017
Why yes DC, I will stop my ordering process to read the full PDF of Mister Miracle 1 by the team that brought us Sheriff of Babylon.
— Doug O’Loughlin (@ComicCavePDX) 27. Juni 2017
I read mine! Really amazing. Fired off a note/reminder to 15-ish subscribers of Tom’s work and 5 have signed up already.
— Doug O’Loughlin (@ComicCavePDX) 27. Juni 2017
Wow... Mister Miracle #1 by @TomKingTK and @MitchGerads.. That was heavy. Crazy **** is about to happen! Pre-order it now at your #LCS!
— Heather is a Nerd (@followingfilms) 26. Juni 2017
(Picture Copyright: DC Comics)

Passionierter Fanboy & Comic-Nerd. Ist seit vielen Jahren im Netz als Blogger unterwegs und fungiert als Betreiber und Autor von
Zudem wirkt er als Autor für Fachmagazine wie und stellt 1/3 Sprechblase bei POW! - Ein ComicPodcast. Er lebt mit seiner Frau und seinen Kindern im Harz.