Paul Levitz äußert sich öffentlich zu den bevorstehenden Wahlen in den USA und Donald Trump
Paul Levitz, ehemaliger Verlagschef von DC Comics und aktueller Autor von „Dr. Fate“, äußerte sich auf seiner Facebook-Seite öffentlich zu seinen Gedanken, bezüglich der anstehenden US Wahlen und seiner Meinung zum Kandidaten Donald Trump.
Dem Anlass entsprechend, poste ich den Text hier mal kommetarlos im Original:
„I normally don’t do a lot of politics per se, here, on my website or anywhere. Though I don’t think it’s hard to see my beliefs in my stories, not least in the Legion when it was clear that I don’t think we get to the next millennium unless we learn to live together and stop “other-ing” people. This year’s election cycle isn’t normal, though.
Hatred and racism have been unleashed in a way that I’d hoped we were moving past. It doesn’t matter whether the label for the target of the hatred is Mexicans, Muslims or immigrants. It’s the same disease that murdered my aunt, uncle and cousins almost seventy years ago.
I have friends, family and fans who don’t share all my political beliefs, and many of them have solid, rational different approaches to how government should work that I respect. It’s not my desire to offend, or to start an argument here. But regardless of your disagreements with me, the liberal position on matters, or your reservations about the candidate herself, I ask that you vote for Hillary Clinton this election because that is the only viable way to vote against the hatred that Donald Trump has spouted.
This IS a great country. My immigrant mother, who arrived without a word of English or any financial resources, lived to see her son and grandchildren living lives she couldn’t have dreamed of, given the opportunity to make contributions in a wide range of fields. Her sister who stayed behind died with her family, denied the most basic of human rights, the right to survive, because of the label haters were given the encouragement to attack.
Please vote against hatred. It is important, maybe more important than any other vote in my lifetime.“
(Picture Copyright: Paul Levitz)
Passionierter Fanboy & Comic-Nerd. Ist seit vielen Jahren im Netz als Blogger unterwegs und fungiert als Betreiber und Autor von
Zudem wirkt er als Autor für Fachmagazine wie und stellt 1/3 Sprechblase bei POW! - Ein ComicPodcast. Er lebt mit seiner Frau und seinen Kindern im Harz.